The Orange Garden

Children can only appreciate the fruit if they experience it. With this project, Oranfrizer unveils in children's language all the secrets of one of Italy's most important food treasures, the orange.

It is important to get in touch with nature, to stimulate children to peel fruit, to perceive its smell as well as its taste, to observe its colour, to distinguish its whole form from its parts, to fantasise with the multi-sensory power of each fruit.

With the help of games, illustrations and videos, they can become curious and discover how fruits are made, where they come from, how they grow, what the trees and flowers that produce them look like
Let's talk to them about farmers, they do a very responsible job of providing all of us with good and healthy food, their activity is very important and helps to protect the environment around us.

Discover the educational campaign created by Oranfrizer with Libri Progetti Educativi and the Organisation of Producers Terre e Sole di Sicilia. The educational initiative also received the moral patronage of the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea.