
Product description

The Mandared is the first mandarin with red flesh. It is a new triploid hybrid arising out of a cross between the Nules clementine and the Tarocco Orange, patented by researches of the CRA-ACM of Acireale (CT).
The flavour is intermediate between the clementine and the Tarocco, it has no pips and the flesh is characterized by a notable anthocyanin pigmentation.
It has an oblate shape, the rind is thin and fine grained, with an intense orange colour. Its weight is elevated for being a “soft citrus”.

Other information

Territory of provenance: The plains of Catania.
Nutritional characteristics: Vitamins C, carotenoids, mineral salts, presence of anthocyanin.
Period of availability: from January to February.
Dimensions: 80 % 220 g